What a beautiful day!
Did you enjoy the weather today? it was nice where I live..it does make me want to be at the beach..I am jealous of you out there that live at the beach and can go anytime you want…
Did you enjoy the weather today? it was nice where I live..it does make me want to be at the beach..I am jealous of you out there that live at the beach and can go anytime you want…
Okay,here is your chance, post your predictions and taunts if you must, add your comments. I am already catching it on emails not even 5 minutes after my BMO update went out. Who do you think will win?
Jim Quick’s Daddy is at the LB on Thursday night. Go see the Shakers and party at Rayz Deck Party this Thursday night March 9th, 2006 www.beachmusicparty.com
Tickets just went on sale today for TBMF. www.trianglebeach.com/tickets.html Also the first weekly TBMF ticket winner was annnounced. Kim J. of Smithfield won a free ticket. Congrats Kim! You may be asking how did she win? Well, she was on my list for Triangle Beach Music Festival Email Updates. That’s how! Are you signed up? … Read more
Here is my blog post on Sunday, March 5, 2006.
Away from the Beach Music thing today….I can not believe my Wolfpack lost to the last place team in the league….nice preparation for the biggest weekend in the ACC next week. Oh well….getting ready to watch the superpowers of the ACC battle it out tonight. I wish they would both lose….Go Refs!
Be on the lookout for the Luminas! Andy King, who used to be with the Catalinas, has just started a new band. Most of you have probably seen Andy perfom, but if you have missed him, let me tell you that you have missed out. Andy is a monster on the keyboard, is incredible on … Read more
Do you realize we are only 57 days from TBMF8? Tickets go on sale Monday at www.trianglebeach.com. Your chance to save $8 off the Gate Ticket price. This is for a limited time only, the tickets will go up as we get closer to the festival. Remember the gate price will be $30 Cash, get … Read more
I used to have a blog…It crashed. I have been slow to get it going again. It is the easiest way to get info out to the masses on a regular basis. Some people either do not get my email updates or do not read them every time I send them out. That being said … Read more