2022 CBMA Videos

2022 cbma video of the year

  On Saturday, July 30th, these 6 Videos were announced as the nominees for 2022 CBMA Video of the Year – Watch each of them on this playlist below. Music Video of the Year: “3 More Minutes” Deb Browning “Burnin’ It Up for Your Love” Sylvia Johns Ritchie “I Got This Feeling” Gary Lowder & … Read more

Who wins? – You PICK!


Okay I just posted some suggestions for albums and collaborations to be considered for the CBMA ballot this year.

There is a lot on the web, mostly facebook about suggestions from the bands and fans on who to nominate and vote for this year’s CBMAs. Some you may agree, some you may disagree.

If you were the only one picking the winners.. Who would you give the award for best Beach Music Male Vocalist? Female Vocalist? Instrumentalist? Group? Entertainer? Rising Star? Mobile and Club DJ? FM Radio DJ? AM Radio DJ?

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Consider these CBMA Songs and Albums


I asked last week for songs and albums from the CBMA artists to be considered for award nominations this year. I didn’t get as many as I thought I would. Here are some that I did get, with comments from the artists and fans. I removed the email address and contact info and just provided the information as submitted. I did remove some of the submissions that were not serious about the form… even thought I got a good laugh on them. The song has to be recorded to make this list below.. There are other requirements by CBMA to be eligible for nomination. I left a few on here that might not be eligible.

If you have a nomination ballot, please read this before you make your selections this year. This list may grow once it goes live.. so check back before you submit your nomination ballot. If you would like to add to his list.. click here

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