General Norman Johnson asked us “Do you Like Beach Music?”
The Embers got us all singing “I love Beach Music”.
If you have never heard of this thing we call Carolina Beach Music, then I think you have missed out. If you have heard and don’t like it.. then leave this website, the events and news posted here is for people that love and embrace the lifestyle of beach music most popular in the Carolina’s. Beach Music Clubs and Venues are located in many of the major cites ( and some minor ones) of North and South Carolina. Outdoor events and big beach music festivals feature the best bands and artists that play this music that we love.
Anytime Beach Music is playing.. whether it is a live band in the clubs.. a DJ spinning requests…or a Station DJ playing on the radio… There is a Beach Music Party about to happen. I love the name and term “Beach Music Party”. I have had a lot of ideas to launch an events calendar that includes as much information as possible. It is a lot of work so I merged it back with