Congrats Bonnie Womble!

Thanks to everyone that responded to my question
Click here to see what was said

Bonnie Womble, you win I have to give you the ticket….Your name will be at the door. bring your id for FREE admission to THE Ball. Have fun!

Twyla…Your retired..Im Jealous. Let the state buy your ticket.

Debbie…if you bring 5 people and they say they came with Deb Brewer, you get in free. PROMISE!

LuAnn…Merry Christmas…if you went to the Cammy’s… a free ticket is not going to make the difference…sorry you did not win.

Bonnie…if your husband is so wonderful…let him buy you a ticket

Linda…I love you…Buy your ticket I know you will not miss it. I got first round for you and your daughter.

Diane…I know several guys that would gladly pay for your ticket to change places and perform your daily chores, i am not one of them..Thanks for playing!

Charli…Welcome back to the south…There is a Santa Claus…I am not him. sorry.

Heather…2 things against you…your name and you have a boyfriend..Happy Anniversary! Get your boyfriend to buy u a ticket!

Beverly..Your plea worked. Bonnie Womble gets in free!

OOOOO YEAH…Jenni T…thanks for being the first to reply…Keith you don’t count! Jenni…You get to come free too….but only if you come in by yourself! If you bring a BOY….make sure he does not come in with you otherwise he has to buy your ticket!

I have a couple more tickets to give away……check back for details.

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