Craig Woolard is Back with The Embers

Beach Music Fans are in for a BIG SHOW. Craig Woolard is returning to The Embers, where he played for many years. I know I am excited… Read about it on The Embers Website and The Craig Woolard Band website.
Thursday Night March 13th – Plan to be in North Myrtle Beach at Fat Harold’s Beach Club for the Jeppy White Fundraiser. The CWB is playing the show. Get there early for spaghetti dinner.

Congrats Craig and Congrats to Beach Music Fans!

4 thoughts on “Craig Woolard is Back with The Embers”

  1. never thought i would see the the day ,always thought he would join the legends of beach
    I worked with the craig wooolard band when it first started as the road crew had a lot of fun, good luck craig. ED ANDERSON

  2. The last time I saw the Embers was at the Pawleys Island reunion six or seven years ago. They had a lead singer from New York, who looked the part. They were not the Embers I grew up up with. I was a Kappa Sigma at NC State in the 60’s and the Embers were excellent and dear to our frat house. One of our brothers was an original member. We all know about Jackie Gore’s past problems, but when Craig Woolard took over as the Embers lead singer they became the Embers of old. The last I saw the CWB was at a wedding in Bluffton, SC. The band was superb and extremely professional. With Craig back as the lead to the Embers, I think it will become the Embers of old. That is a good thing! Craig is a very outgoing person where as Bobby T. Is very reserved with fans. I look forward to seeing the new Embers with a super person in the lead.

  3. I think Craig joining the Embers is Great! With the times being what they are along with a very sluggish economy leaving fewer beach music lovers with less to spend on entertainment I would think it’s very difficult to maintain a steady booking system to keep a bands’ paychecks coming in. When Craig left the Embers back when, it really shook things up and the CWB took off with the leadership of Craig from the start. The economy is still in the toilet, but with Craig now with the Embers once again, The Embers will have a desperately needed spark to reignite their sound and delivery of fine beach music. They were very ‘low key’ without Craig and now, I’m sure the energy will be back and the folks who come out to support beach music will be thrilled with the news and the sounds that only Craig can bring to the table. I don’t know what kind of collateral damage came from the shift involving the other band members with the old CWB, but I hope they are well and know that their music has been enjoyed by many. This shift of entertainers truly is ‘Beach Music History’. The average listener of live entertainment has no idea of how much work it takes to keep a band going and staying fresh along with staying ‘booked’ to keep busy. It’s just like any other business. They have to have work! As for me and my wife, . . . . . we’re glad this has all taken place and that The Embers will continue to bless us with those great tunes. “Keep the new songs coming and refreshing us with the old ones as well”! No matter where you go. . . we’ll be there to support The Embers and loving the songs! “You Go Boys”!

    The Best To Ya’ll,

    Jimmy Walker
    Virginia Beach


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