Thank you Keith Houston!

To most of the people that follow Beach Music, you probably recognize the guy in the picture as the bass player for the Band of Oz. Keith Houston has been with the band since the beginning… even before they started Band of Oz. He was with a group called The Avengers. (That was way before my time by the way). I would think if you have been reading my blogs and emails for the last 8-10 years, you already know how much I appreciate Keith for the support he has given me and the Carolina Beach Music Industry. The CBMA nominations for the year 2013 came out last Friday a week ago and as it has been for quite some time; Keith Houston, KHP Music, and the Band of OZ have been listed in several categories.

I am sure I am not alone in congratulating Keith Houston and the Band of Oz for being nominated once again for

Group Album
Group of the Year
Internet Radio Station
Live Production

Keith as a producer/engineer was also involved with nominees in these categories

Song of the Year
Smoothie of the Year
Solo Album

and there are at least 2 nominated for the

Michael Branch Award – that would not be there if it wasn’t for Keith Houston.

Thanks Keith Houston for all you do for Carolina Beach Music!

See all the 2013 CBMA Nominees

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