Beach Music Friends

There was a lot of buzz on the First Shag Lesson a couple of days ago here on the website and on facebook. We reached over 19000 people with that post. Thanks for all the comments. I chatted with Don Bunn last night and he mentioned it was great reading the messages from his students. I really liked some of the stories that people shared. If you missed them, head back over to the post from Wednesday on Basic Shag Step.

If you are in (or can be in) the Georgetown, SC area tonight, Go by and hang out with Mike Worley and the Surf Team for Music in the Park. He will be there from 6 to 9 tonight May 19th, spinning your favorites and dancing under the stars.

Question of the Day

I thought of a lot of questions I could ask today, but one stuck out.. “Who was the friend that introduced you to “Beach Music”? It could be fun to think about. It might have been an ex or your best friend. I have made so many friends who share the love of beach music. I have gained and lost friends over the years, but one thing is certain…. When beach music is playing… I am happy and I am thankful for my friends in the beach music community.

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