been almost a month since i blogged

wow, the year is almost over. i can’t believe I have not blogged in nearly a month. i have been slammed. as this year closes, i look back on what has happened…I am not going to sum it up. I love jim quick’s poem that he gave at the industry awards. that about says it all.

i am ready to get back to raleigh this week…boz, coastline, shakers….that’s enough for me, throw in the castaways…great….give me a chance to see crush, bull city syndicate, suicide blonde, and hip pocket on the same night with the same ticket? AWESOME! only $15 if you buy early, this will be 1 incredible party. hope to see you there. Get you tickets for only $15 by buying in advance from It’s $20 at the door..still a bargain.

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