Billy Scott Update

A Recent Email from the MAN himself…

Hello to all of my friends and fans,

The very first thing I would like to clear up is the fact that I DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A LIVER TRANSPLANT. Only a very few of you know exactly what happened to me and the reasons why. I would like to explain my illness which became complex to the rest of you. It started when I found our about two years ago that I was a carrier of Hepatitis B. From there I did not realize the seriousness of it. Sometime in February and March I began to start having dizzy spells. Not serious, but enough to get my attention. In March I had to go to the hospital to have a blood transfusion which eliminated the dizziness for a few weeks. Unfortunately in April the dizziness came back and my blood work indicated that I was having a problem with my Hep. B. As a result of that, the Hep. B started attacking my liver. My liver stopped producing the proper blood needed to control the bleeding in my colon (Ulcerative Colitis) which I had been treated for, for the past 25 years. Now, the doctors were confronted with three problems to get in control with the proper meds. This kept me in the hospital for eight days of tests, blood transfusions, meds and other treatment. Upon my release from the hospital I was put on treatment of meds for my Ulcerative Colitis which consists of steroids. While on the steroids I became disoriented that caused major problems. This landed me in the hospital for a third time. I had to go through a few more tests and was given more meds to help me get my head right. As a result of being on steroids I have gained weight and will be on them until the 1st of July. I am still on all of the other meds to keep my Hep B, Liver, Blood Pressure, Ulcerative Colitis, Disorient meds and whatever else under control. I have lots of swelling in my legs, ankles and feet if I am on them too much, but hopefully that will be over once I’m off the steroids. I do have a complex illness, but as the doctors say, it can be managed, but not cured. I hope you were able to follow what I’ve told you about it all. Being here at home and not being able to get out or exercise enough has made me weak. So, I am trying to exercise a little at a time to get stronger.

I want to thank all of you for you immediate support of prayers, cards, e-mails, and concerns. It has kept my spirits up knowing that all of you care about me as you do. God is good and so are you.

I love you all, Billy Scott

21 thoughts on “Billy Scott Update”

  1. Hi Billy it has been too long, sorry to hear that Roy and Tommy have left us . I saw Roy not long before his passing, he came to Alexandria to play in my restaurant/club and record possibly his last work in my studio. It was a great revival and we covered years of friendships and the the times that we were all working together, what great memories with great people. You will never be forgotten, I take great delight in seeing how you have been the touch bearer over all of these years, Bless you, yours and your great music take care and keep shaggin. Sure miss the old studio days in Atlanta and Birmingham,
    Bob Grove Unity records, Chantain Music

  2. Glad you are doing better. Hope to see you soon. I hope this will make you feel better. Pam and I finally have a CD coming out on the Kim Records Label out of Richmond, VA..

    I think it will be out the 2nd week of August.

    Take Care
    Pam & Faron

  3. When the going gets tough – the tough get going! We’ll see you in Dunn on Sunday – Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.

  4. Billy: We really enjoyed talking and hanging out with you and the band at The Lighthouse in Rocky Mount on Thanksgiving night. look forward to seeing you back on stage.

  5. We hope you are feeling better and look forward to seeing you in Dunn on Sunday.

    God Bless and Keep you in His care. Our thoughts and prayers go with you and your family.

  6. Billy,
    You’re one the great inspirations of my life in this wonderful world of beach, shaggin’ and thro-down beer drinkin’-party till you drop music. From a face in the crowd at the Coachman & Four Club in the Bennettsville to to becoming a beach music radio guy playing your great music every Saturday on “At The beach” –with the privilege of saying Billy Scott is a personal friend ‘o mine. Thanks for the amazing ride. Best of all the tank is 3 quarters full. So let’s keep on truckin’!! See you in Dunn. Speedy recovery wishes from Dan E. Lockemy(Part-Time, Party-Time Man) and Kim Thomas. Friends for life.

  7. So good to hear you are doing better. Saw you and the band at Live After 5 in Greenwood earlier this year and really looking forward to seeing you again at Larkens in Greenville in September. Take care of yourself.

  8. Billy, Gary here, Formerly of GARY’S BEACH CLUB, of Hickory, N.C. Hope you get well soon, You have surely been in my prayers. I sure want to see you on that stage and soon, I hope. Pam, my daughter, says hello, and she wishes you the best. We love you! Gary Wallace & Pam

  9. So glad to hear you’re on the road to recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope to see you back on the stage again soon. Lots of love and prayers.

  10. Billy,

    I hope that u are better and resting as the doctor says. It’s been so long since i’ve been able to be out there to see u guys but i hope to see u very soon. Feel Better………..

  11. Billy, my man, we missed you at Concord yesterday. You just get better and rest. You are the best. God Bless you my friend. Looking forward to seeing you when you are back on your rythem & blues feet.

  12. I was proud to meet you and to shake you hand last summer in Raleigh. Im looking forward to seeing you again soon. Rest and get better. The best is yet to come.

  13. Billy, glad that to hear that you are doing better. It takes more than exhaustion to keep a good man down! Continue to rest and grow stronger…………… know how you like to rock come summer!

  14. Billy,
    Take care!! sure was looking forward to seeing you in Concord this afternoon.
    Hope to see you again soon!

  15. It was so great to talk to you and hear that you were headed
    home! You are such a great entertainer and friend–we miss
    seeing you and the gang!!!Get better and take care of yourself!!! We need “THE ONE AND ONLY BILLY SCOTT”, back!!!
    Love ya,man!! Ted Veno & Clara Pelham

  16. Billy,

    I hope you do well in your recovery. Take the time you need and you will be back like a CHAMP….The one that you are. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care my friend, take care.

    Patty Perry


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