Fantasy All Star Beach Band Mock Draft

Okay for fun, we posted a mock draft post on facebook.

If you were drafting a fantasy all star each band, would would you pick

Fantasy All Star Beach Band – Mock Draft – Just for Fun

If you got paid every time they played, who would you draft? You can’t have more than 2 players from the same real band or group.
Name the musician and instrument they play. (only 1 per comment and if they are listed already below, they are already drafted on another team, so you can’t draft them)
You must wait for someone else to comment before you can draft another player. ( back to back draft comments from same person will be removed )

You starting line-up band can have:
1 Bass Player, 2 Guitar Players, 1 Drummer, 1 Keyboard Player, 2 Horn Players, 2 Vocalists
Anyone that plays for a group or individual on this page is eligible to be drafted.

You would get paid every time they played in a real gig.

So for example; if you had drafted Keith Houston as your bass player, you would get paid 3 times this week and 3 times next week because Band of Oz is currently scheduled to play 3 times each week.

See what they are saying at facebook

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