First Saturday of SOS

Are you hanging in here at SOS? Its the first Saturday – The Carolina Breakers kicked it off last night at Boom Boom’s Raw Bar. The Embers put on a great show in front of a big crowd at the Spanish Galleon – then of course lots of friends closed down the back room last night with the Little Man of Beach Music – Joey Warren at Fat Harold’s Beach Club – Are you ready to do it again? Sea Cruz is at Fat Harold’s Beach Club from 1-5 today. I will then be heading over to the CD Release Party for the Castaways at the Spanish Galleon – Going to be some great food so get there early! Bring some money to get the new CD if you don’t have it. Its got some great tunes that will certainly be hits in the clubs. The much awaited debut of Hip Pocket at Boom Boom’s is tonight. Its going to be crazy as they hit the BoomDocks along with Mike Worley.

Are you on Facebook? Connect with Keith Houston at the new KHP Music Page and help push the music from KHP Music Group.

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