Jim Quick & Coastline update 9-25-08

Full on Crazy! There is nothing I can do to explain to you the thrill we endured at SOS! Then the crud sets in…I don’t think they can make enough hand sanitizer! Cough, cough, hack, hack…um I’m better!

Weather induced, we received two cancellations this week. Actually, one was postponed! Sorry Burlington we were unable to make it to the back deck at 333’s as the winds kicked up way too high. Oxford was moved to Tuesday of next week due to that most unusual coastal storm that moved in. Cool skies at night here on the Carolina Coast due to that inclement low pressure. There are no complaints on the observation of Mother Nature’s gifts of visual beauty.

So here is what’s in store:

Friday Night (9/25) – City Limits – Downtown Wilmington, NC – 9pm

Saturday Night (9/26) – Private – Manning, SC

Sunday Night (9/27) – Flaming Star – Roxboro, NC – 5pm

(Piedmont Maintenance Soft Ball Team Fundraiser for world series tournament travel expenses)

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