How are you doing? What is happening?

How are you doing? What is is going on? What is the good word? What is happening at the beach?
So many questions can start a conversation for today’s Beach Music update…

To most of the people I work with in promotions and marketing.. “I am just trying to keep it all going, trying to make another dollar, trying to make it all work!” When you decide to make Internet Marketing your main profession, you can find yourself going in a lot of different directions. For the beach music world, I am able to pay expenses when I sell tickets, sell CDs, sell advertising, sell memberships, sell sponsorships. That pretty much sums it up for me.. I am trying to do the above again today. Oh yeah, I will also spend my time trying to generate traffic that generates leads so other people can sell stuff too. I get asked why I talk about the same bands and same events so much. I am just trying to make it work….and keep them happy! I really like working with the people I do in beach Music and excited to see so many nominated this year for the Carolina Beach Music Awards!! Good Luck to all the groups, artists, events, and promoters! I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the beach in few weeks!

So here you go! Things you need to know

Beach Music this week

  • Tonight – Wednesday Night in NMB, the Fun Team invites you to Customer Appreciation night – Fat Harold’s Beach Club – Of course the party happens every night at Fat Harold’s! I will probably be at the Shag City Grill for lunch on Thursday and or Friday! Miss Jackie has specials every Wednesday thru Saturday
  • On Thursday October 10th in Raleigh, The Carolina Breakers take the stage at TJ’s Night Life. the Raleigh Shag Club will be at TJ’s on Sunday the 13th.
  • On Friday October 11th in Greensboro, Special Occasion Band take the stage at Thirsty’s 2.

Big Events in Beach Music!

Big Fish Shtick – Get Fish Shtick tickets Today!
Fall Cyclone – Biggest Shag Party West of NMB
CBMA Weekend – One of my favorite times of the year in NMB
New Year’s Party ( Big News Coming Soon! )

Save in the Grand Strand

Big Savings at restaurants, attractions, golf, and shopping – This card will save you a lot of money and help me out too! Get the Myrtle Beach Ultimate Discount Card
and save hundreds of dollars at the Beach in 2014 – Buy it today and get over 14 months of discounts!

Internet Marketing Assistance

Do you need a website? Need to promote a product or service? Need some help with Social Media? Contact me and see if I can help you with your business by getting more from Internet Marketing – If you website is not working. contact >> Bo the Webguy <<< That's ME! I can help you! i-can-help

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