More Beach Music Events

Are you ready for this weekend? There are several big events coming up. Friday Night, plan to go to the BCC Athletic Fundraiser with Band of Oz. It should be a good time with great food. There are still some tickets left, so get yours today!

On Sunday, you shouldn’t miss the Annual Cabin Fever Party at the North Raleigh Hilton to support Hospice. The Shakers, Band of Oz, Jim Quick & Coastline will all perform along with special guests such as Danny Woods (formerly of the Chairmen of the Board). That is a pretty incredible line-up. The doors open at 1 PM, $15 donation at the door.

Staying in NMB? DJs at Fat Harold’s Beach Club and Boom Boom’s will keep you entertained and dancing.

More has been added to Upcoming Beach Music events so don’t miss out on anything!

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