Pick 2 Winners and Win!

Today, since we are almost in CBMA Weekend Party Mode, I decided for this 2sday, we will do a contest. I am asking you to Pick 2 Categories and the Winners of those Categories for this CBMA Weekend’s award shows.

For Example, You may pick “Entertainer of the Year – Jim Quick” as your first pick and “Compilation CD – Summertime Fun” as your second pick. I will take all the accurate projections and draw from the list on Monday, November 13th. To be valid, both picks must announced as the winners on either Saturday or Sunday this weekend. If you need help with Categories and Nominations, click here for 2017 CBMA Nominees.

The Winner will receive a Prize Package from BuyBeachMusic.com worth $50+.

Entries must be submitted before Saturday, November 11th at 3pm. You can enter once per day up 5 Times. ( 5 Days – 5 Entries), but you can’t enter the same category on more than 1 entry. Good Luck!

Fill out my online form.

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