Pirates Beach Music Fest Roll Call

Are you planning to go to the Pirates Beach Music Fest on September 13th. I know many of you may be down at North Myrtle Beach already for a big week down there…I am actually leaving the beach to be in Greenville, then head back after the festival. With all the acts at the Pirates Beach Music Fest, I don’t want to miss it.

Special Thanks to all of those that have bought your tickets here at BeachMusicOnline.

A lot of people have responded to the Beach Music Fest Event on Facebook already.

Are you going? Leave your mark here at Beach Music Online.

6 thoughts on “Pirates Beach Music Fest Roll Call”

  1. Hey Bo
    I am the sound guy from the Chairmen of the Board’s wife and I will be there with my cute little God-Son. I am raising him right! Beach Music forever! Looking forward to seeing my other favorite beach music band. There is this guy named Jim Quick and his band Coastline who rock! I love ya Jim and we will see ya Saturday Bo.


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