TBMF Post Valentine's Ticket Blitz

Originally posted February 15th, 2010.. it was for 2010 TBMF. on February 14th, 2011, emails went out to the TBMF email updates first and most tickets available were sold to the loyal list of those that had signed up to get updates. Goodness the emails and texts and facebook messages….it was fun to see the … Read more

TBMF Post Party with Jim Quick

That’s Right…Jim Quick & Coastline keep the party rolling Saturday Night after the Triangle Beach Music Festival. Plan to head to the Backyard Bistro Saturday Night April 25th. Eat Drink and Party with Quick! More Info at TriangleBeach.com

Got TBMF Tickets yet?

Many of my friends were able to take advantage of the super deal last month on TBMF tickets. The 11th Annual Triangle Beach Music Festival is just over a month away. Tickets are on sale now at www.trianglebeach.com. Get them for $22.50 for a limited time and save $7.50 off the gate price. Get your … Read more

News from Triangle Beach

I was reading a page on the web the other day that talked about Triangle Beach in North Carolina, apparently its just north of Myrtle Beach..I laughed. They were talking about all the events that happen at Triangle Beach…someone obviously trying to make a dollar off something they know nothing about. Everything you need to … Read more