2014 – Top 10 Things to do in Beach Music – Be a SPONSOR

You see the logos and ads on the band trucks. You see banners and posters at clubs and events. You see banner ads on websites. You hear commercials on the radio stations. If you are one of these people or companies…


If you have any kind of company, product or service that could use more business….consider sponsorship or advertising with a beach music entity.

Offer to sponsor your favorite band, purchase an ad in a magazine or radio station that plays beach music.
You can sponsor or advertise with ME, Bo the Webguy and Beach Music Online.

I thank you for all the support you give me just by reading my beach music online blog, buying cds and tickets.
Have a GREAT 2014 and let me know if I can help you with getting more from the Internet.

The Rest of the List
2014 – Top 10 Things to Do in Beach Music

Click here to see number 1
Click here to see number 2
Click here to see number 3
Click here to see number 4
Click here to see number 5
Click here to see number 6
Click here to see number 7
Click here to see number 8
Click here to see number 9

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