2014 – Top 10 Things to do in Beach Music – SHARE

On of the biggest things you can do to help support beach music is share the events and news you see, read, and hear. If you are on facebook and someone tells you about an event, make sure you click that you are attending the event, share it with your friends and put it on your timeline wall.

If you hear about a big event that you want to go, encourage your friends to go. Send them an email or send them a text. Word of Mouth is big and the best form of advertising hands down. To keep this music going, we need for fans and friends of beach music to promote and share this music as much as possible.

The Rest of the List
2014 – Top 10 Things to Do in Beach Music

Click here to see number 1
Click here to see number 2
Click here to see number 3
Click here to see number 4
Click here to see number 5
Click here to see number 6
Click here to see number 7
Click here to see number 8
Click here to see number 10

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