Beach Music Events

There are a lot of great beach music events happening all over the Carolinas, Virginia and even Georgia. I have some of the biggest and best listed on my Upcoming Events Calendar. Be sure to check out the page for news and links to info, tickets and featured band events.

Do you need help? Contact Bo the Webguy

1 thought on “Beach Music Events”

  1. To All that are know Bo The Web Guy:

    My name is Norm, I co-promoted the Valentines Beach and Oldies show in Raleigh, NC on Feb 14th. Obviously my aim was to reach as many Beach music lovers as possible to inform them of this show. I started using radio advertising the beginning of January. During this early period sales were okay, but not where I would like them to be. I spoke to two other promoters who has used Bo in the past. They mentioned that if I want to reach a wide majority of Beach Music lovers.."BO" is the man. I contacted Bo and boy were they right!! The first e mail blast that Bo did resulted in a 11% increase in sales. I'm sure without Bo we would have never tapped into this audience. My hat goes off to Bo, and I strongly recommend that if there is ever a need to reach a vast audience, BO DOES IT RIGHT AND EFFECTIVELY. There's no question that I will be using "Bo The Web Guy" again in the future.

    Thank you Bo for all you have done to make our Valentines Beach and Oldies show a success!



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