Are you ready for CBMA?

It is hard to believe that October 16th is here and half of October is gone. In less than 1 month, it will be time for another CBMA Weekend. I am looking forward to what I think is definitely one of the best times for fans of the bands. Some of the artists refer to the CBMA Weekend as homecoming. It gives them a chance to see everyone and catch up with friends that normally they just pass on the road between gigs.

I as excited to see so many of the artists, DJs, Venues, and events that I promote on the nomination ballots this year. I could easily vote for all of the nominees in most every category. I know it is said every year. It is an honor to be on the ballot. It is also very exciting to receive the award. We will see hwo wins on November 10th and 11th.

are you going to be here?

Let us know in the comments if you are coming to NMB for the Cammy Weekend!

2017 CBMA Weekend Lineup

The line-up for the nightly shows has been released. See who is playing November 8th thru November 12th in Ocean Drive for this year’s CBMA Weekend.

New Chat Feature

If you see me online, be sure to say hello! The New Chat Feature is being tested. Let me know what you think.

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