Southern Soul Entertainment at SOS

Lots of great shows at the Spanish Galleon down at SOS. I was able to catch parts of several shows while I was there this week.

Most of the time, SOS only features bands during the day. I know a lot of shaggers are down there to dance with the DJs, Southern Soul showed that a lot go to see the bands as well, even at night. It was good to be able to catch the band shows during the laps from club to club.

I did not get down in time to see the Carousels on Thursday or Shaggie Maggie on Friday. I heard they had good shows at the OD Beach Club and Spanish Galleon.

Tommy Black and Blooz did an incredible job, you need to see these guys if you have had a chance to check them out. Great Show. The Part Time Party Band had a good turnout on Saturday Night. Mark Roberts and Breeze had a great crowd as well. Lots of talent in that band. Be sure to see them soon! The Embers played Tuesday Night, got to see a little bit of that show before I headed down the road to Band of Oz.

Band of Oz played the Southern Soul Series Wednesday night…I was on my way back to Atlanta to get some work done. I heard it was incredible!

Shows continued last night with North Tower and the Entertainers. I have not had a chance to speak with anyone on those yet. I know they did a great job. The KHP CD Release Party is going on as i type. The Holiday Band plays tonight.

Tomorrow starting at 4:30, 3 bands play at the Galleon.
See the rest of the information on the series by clicking here

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