Hey Beach Music Fans!

If you are reading this, you are most likely not on one of the beach music cruises this week. I know a lot of friends are out there in the Caribbean with some of the best beach music bands in the industry. I am sure they will have a blast, hope everyone stays safe and makes it back to their destination at the end of the week.

So what about everyone that is still in the Continental US?

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Time to Play!

Came home to this guy… I am ready to Play Leo… and play on the beaches and at the festivals all over the Carolinas – I love Beach Music… The warm temperatures this week at the beach bring anticipation of the beach music festivals. I spoke to the folks at TBMF today, we are getting … Read more

Top 10 Reasons to Do it with Bo the Webguy

Have you seen my T-Shirt? I was reminded of this top ten list on the back of it, recently after getting some feedback on my Webguy logo. The logo was designed by Casey from Coastline and I have received a tremendous amount of compliments over the last 8-9 years ( Can’t remember exactly when I had it designed by Casey). You have probably looked at a lot of his work and not known it. I think the Coastline tour schedule keeps Casey pretty busy. You will have to ask him when you see him if he is still doing graphics work.

Anyway… Here is the top 10 list on the back of my T-Shirt

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Thanks First Data!

Got a sponsorship from First Data – If your business accepts credit cards, please take a look at this offer from First Data – I know they can save you money on fees and rate you are currently paying. They offer a guarantee – let me know if I can pass along your info by filling out the form below

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Who will Win CBMA?

Do you think you can pick the winners this year? A lot of people enter brackets and polls and contests. Here is one that does not cost anything to play. It could get you some nice prizes if you pick the most winners. Click to CarolinaBeachMusic.com Contest Entry and pick the winners for your entry.

Have you tried Squidoo?

I built some of these lenses last year and continue to tweak some of the content. Squidoo is pretty cool. Its another social media website. Its kind of like facebook in that you can create pages of things you like. There is a social aspect to it, you can comment, interact and learn things about a lot of topics. The really neat function is the ability to connect to amazon.com and get a referral if you generate sales. Its how I first did the songs played on the Crossover with Jim Quick.

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Thoughts on CBMA

The Nominations are out – There is a lot of people out there talking about this year’s nominations. Some HAPPY, Some Angry, Some very confused. I am excited for new faces that have worked hard this past year and got the recognition they deserved. I am happy to see Keith Houston and KHP Music get the nominations for engineer, producer, and compilations. Keith does more for this beach music industry than many will ever know.

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