Top 10 Beach Music Things to Do

beach-music-things-2014I was thinking about what I could write for New Year’s Eve of 2014. 2013 is nearly over.. 2014 will be here tomorrow. Are you a fan of Beach Music? Will you help support beach music in 2014? I put together a list of things to do in 2014.

Information on these pages may change… I quickly put these up to get them out today. I may add or change these pages slightly. I have left a place to comment on each item on the list. You can use facebook or use the comment reply form at the bottom of the page.

Check out the list… and remember if you are coming to North Myrtle Beach for any of these events and items.. you can find a great place to stay in North Myrtle Beach with Grand Strand Vacations
Call 843-249-3433.


2014 – Top 10 Things to Do in Beach Music
Click here to see number 1
Click here to see number 2
Click here to see number 3
Click here to see number 4
Click here to see number 5
Click here to see number 6
Click here to see number 7
Click here to see number 8
Click here to see number 9
Click here to see number 10

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